JavaScript Gantt Chart component
With no assumptions about what your product might actually need. Fully customizable component built ground up in TypeScript. Supports JavaScript/ TypeScript and React.
I had two problems
The first was not being able to find a Gantt Chart component with a customizable design.
The second was going through all the bottomless sales pages on components I was considering and not getting any useful information whatsoever.
I fixed them both.
Here is the component you were looking for and all the documentation you need to know.
Here is an example on what you are getting
You will appreciate this component if you
- Are building a product where you want to implement a Gantt Chart
- Want to fully customize your design without the use of
or extensive knowledge of CSS selector specificity - Are progressively growing more tired of bad, non-existent or unreliable TypeScript type definitions
- Know that most features in other components are added for the sake of the selling a long feature list with a high price and not your actual needs
Features that will come in handy and will not cost you an arm and a leg
- Parent/child collapsible elements with arbitrary depth
- Vertical markers (for marking milestones, dates, etc)
- Horizontal custom timeframes for iterations (sprints, etc)
- Sticky headers
- Visual links between activities
- Multiple activities on the same line
- Cell elements fully user-defined
- Table header fields
- Table row fields
- Expand/collapse button
- Timeline header (month, day, custom timeframe)
- Timeline activity bar
- Vertical markers
Try it out yourself
Purchasing GI-Gantt
You can Buy GI-Gantt after seeing if GI-Gantt is good fit for your product.
This will also give you access to a private GitHub repo with GI-Gantt source code.
You will also be able to get support, ask questions or report issues on the repo.
If you have any further questions on the product, you can reach me here and I’ll be happy to respond.